Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meet Justin....This is one Crazy kid...LOL!

Justin is a senior and wants to join the airforce. He has a great personality and we had a good time taking his senior pictures. They grow up so fast!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Schilling Family {Sneak Peak}

This is a great family...and we had a good time. Jaclyn and TJ have the cutest little boys ever. Colt was full of smiles. Thanks for letting me take part in your family pictures.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Shawna, Logan & Major

Meet my sister and nephews Logan & Major...it was really fun to take their pics...We just laughed the whole time...LOVE them!

Alisia & Bode are getting hitched!

These two are troopers! It was about 20 degrees when we took these pictures...we were all freezing but it was worth it because these turned out great! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the western feeling, boots and cowhide couch!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My little Valentine....

So most of you know that when your the photographer...it is hard to be in the photographs...so from time to time I get one of my friends to help me take a few pics so I CAN BE IN THEM... :) Thank you Renee for helping me this time! These are Coree's Valentine pictures and I am so excited about giving her daddy the picture that says "I love Daddy!" I cant believe Coree is 13 months already...where has the time gone...I just love this baby girl so much!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welch Family {Sneak Peak}....

Meet Ryan, Ana, Zoie and their 3 week old addition Paizlie Welch....This family was lots of fun and great to photograph! Love the bright colors they decided to wear.  Thank you for letting me be the one to photograph your beautiful family...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ellie is on her way.....

I love these pictures....and I just adore Rae Ann....I am so excited for her and Mike. They are expecting a little girl in March...I know she will be just as beautiful as her parents! Thanks Rae Ann for letting me be the one to take part in these.