Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jeff and Brandi

Check this family out...they were a lot of fun and the boys are very outgoing. Brandi and Jeff also have another little boy on the way! I am so glad I got to take part in capturing their beautiful family!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Willow is turning ONE!

This little cutie patootie turns one at the beginning of February....This family is very special to me...and I am glad I got to take part in their special memories. Destinee, Willow's mom, has been a great friend of mine for the past 7 years and I am thankful to have her as a friend. We had our daughters one month apart and look forward to them growing up being good friends as well. Willow is such a beautiful baby and I really enjoyed capturing her personality. Not to mention is was really fun to watch Destinee run around like a crazy woman making her laugh...PRICELESS! Hope you guys enjoy these pictures for a lifetime. And the second outfit Willow is wearing was made by Brittani Newman at Sew Stinkin Cute. Email me for her number.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Coree Lyn is ONE today!

My little girl turned 1 today! She is so special and sweet and I thank God everyday he sent her to me...I LOVE her so much. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Bentley is ONE! Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday Bentley! This little guy is one...and I just love him so much! He is always so happy and his big blue eyes just shine. He and Coree have the same great sitter (Laura) so I get to see him quite a bit...he is just a little mover now that he can walk...Thanks for letting me capture his sweetness! Just LOVE him!

Emily is turning 13!

Meet Emily...my niece....she will be thirteen this January. We had fun taking pictures of this milestone birthday...We'll look up next week and she will be a model...Happy Birthday Emily!